
Sorry for the brief hiatus! It was certainly not my intention, but work got a little crazy as well as real life. On Tuesday I returned from a week long trip to Oahu with my parents, brother, grandparents, and uncle. It was a lot of fun to see my grandparents again, which is getting to be only once a year or so now since they’ve gotten older and they live in California. The trip was originally supposed to be in December, but my grandfather was diagnosed with colon cancer and had to undergo surgery. But he looks great and is doing quite well, although I think he’s going to be starting up chemo now that he’s back from vacation. We stayed at the Disney Aulani Resort and Spa in Oahu and travelled around almost all the coasts of Oahu as we explored all sorts of places like the Dole Plantation, Polynesian Cultural Center, Sea Life Park, and Pearl Harbor. I had a fantastic time and managed not to get sunburned!

I’m going to get back into reviewing books and talking about movies very soon since the long plane rides allowed me to finish up quite a few books! I’m very excited to talk about them and I just saw Deadpool last night, which was fantastic! Definitely not a kid movie, so don’t be that parent (like the ones I saw last night) that bring them under 13 year old children to a definitely rated R movie. You can suffer being uncool for a little while until a new more appropriate superhero movie comes out.

I’ll also make a post about my trip with some photos once I actually get to sit down and put my photos on my computer. This has been a long 3 days at work with the time change and I’m ready for the week! But I wanted to let my followers know that I am around. Have a happy Friday!